DCPM-AMN (Direção de Combate à Poluição do Mar, Portuguese National Maritime Authority)
The objectives of this exercise were: to coordinate and train existing resources to combat marine pollution offshore, in the port area and on the coastline, namely with the Vila Real de Santo António City Council (CMVRSA), DOCAPESCA, Portuguese Navy (MP), Força Portuguese Area (FAP) and with other Civil Protection Agents, to increase and speed up, where applicable, interoperability and coordination between the various entities of the Maritime Authority System, as well as with other national and international entities such as Zoomarine, Universidade do Algarve, REBONAVE, SVITZER, Instituto Hidrográfica, European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA ) and other R&D partners such as TEKEVER, to train the coordination of the Brigade for Rapid Intervention to Combat Pollution of the Sea (BIRPOL) of the Southern Maritime Department with the Service to Combat Pollution of the Sea (SCPM), to identify and characterize the capacities of the bodies responsible for responding to the fight against sea pollution, to encourage reflection on issues of marine pollution by hydrocarbons, sharing knowledge, experiences and skills, promoting the debate of ideas, in a seminar to be held at the António Aleixo Cultural Center.