Base de données d’exercices

Base de données d’exercices
Guides et documentation complémentaire
Affichage 73 - 81 sur 120
Bilbao, Spain
Marine/coastal environments
The objective of this exercise was to provide training on oil pollution response to national experts from the maritime administrations of…
Type of exercise: Table-top exercise, Full-scale exercise
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Modelling
NW coast off Galicia, Spain
Marine/coastal environments
The objectives of this exercise were to release and follow up of drifting buoy using ARCOPOL modelling system and test communication by…
Type of exercise: Drill
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Communication
  • Modelling
Ria de Vigo, Spain
Marine/coastal environments
The objective of this exercise was to test drifters and ARCOPOL modelling in order to compare the buoys tracks with lagragian simulated…
Type of exercise: Drill
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Modelling
Vlakte van de Raan, The Netherlands
Marine/coastal environments
The objectives of the exercise were: to strengthen the integration at the operational level of EMSA contracted vessels with the Belgian and…
Type of exercise: Full-scale exercise
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Modelling
  • Protocol compliance
A Pobra do Caramiñal, Spain
Marine/coastal environments
The objectives of this exercise were: to test "in situ" the coordination of operations in the sea and on land, to plan and…
Type of exercise: Full-scale exercise
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Modelling
Port of Calais, France
Marine/coastal environments
The objective of this exercise was to train the participants to manage a major event at sea in close cooperation with neighbouring…
Type of exercise: Full-scale exercise
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Modelling
  • Protocol compliance
Cartagena, Spain
Marine/coastal environments
The main objectives of this exercise were to test the established mobilisation procedures between ERCC, Spain, EMSA and the EMSA contractor…
Type of exercise: Full-scale exercise
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Modelling
  • Protocol compliance
Elba, Italy
Marine/coastal environments
Within the frame of the RAMOGE project, the objectives of the exercise were to test the tool developed under the Mediterranean Decision…
Type of exercise: Full-scale exercise
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Modelling
  • Protocol compliance
UK, several locations
Marine/coastal environments
The main objective of this exercise was to test the United Kingdom’s (UK) National Contingency Plan - A Strategic Overview for Responses to…
Type of exercise: Full-scale exercise
Action tested:
  • Equipment deployment
  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Modelling
  • Protocol compliance
Affichage 73 - 81 sur 184
Evaluation Report.

The BALEX DELTA 2018 Project

  • English
Video with an insight of one of the world´s largest Maritime Response exercise taking place in the Baltic Sea and preparing for major oil…

The BALEX DELTA 2018 Project

  • English
Guides / protocoles
The Guidance is part of a dedicated effort to improve DEC Oil Spill Response Exercise Program to better serve the needs of regulated oil…
  • English
Guides / protocoles
Preparing Scotland
The guidance sets out the factors involved in the exercise process and incorporates a set of templates that can be used across the diverse…
  • English
Divulgare (Universidade de Vigo)
This video highlights the main aspects to consider when dealing with HNS spills at sea. It shows in a friendly way different techniques…


  • English
Matériel de diffusion
From October 10 to 12, 2017, as part of the ORSEC maritime system, the Atlantic maritime prefecture organized a major exercise to assist…
  • French
Matériel de diffusion
Premar- Méditerranée
An exercise to combat pollution at sea.
  • French
During the three-day Coastex2017 Coast Guard exercise hosted by the Portuguese presidency of the European Coast Guard Functions Forum,…
  • English
To achieve the level of performance for pollution response required by the EMSA, the agency performs regular training, drills, Equipment…
  • English